Native American Cherokee Wedding

I had the honor to be a second shooter at a Native American Wedding in Wichita, Kansas. It was one of the most beautiful and powerful ceremonies I have been to. I loved seeing old tradition mix with the new on their special day. For those of you who haven’t been to one, I will tell you the standards for a true Cherokee Native American ceremony.

First, elders the walk daughter/son down the aisle to give them to each other.

Second, smudging. Dried sage or other ritualistic flowers are crafted into a bowl, or shell and carried around the room. This is done to cleanse the couple, and the officiator and to carry their prayers to the creator.

Third, a vase or bowl of water is presented to the couple. They then drink from it one at a time and then together.

Fourth, a blanket is presented by the elders to wrap the newly married couple in as a symbol of two becoming one.

This was a ceremony full of symbolism and love. The bride was beautiful in her hand made moccasins and tribal gown. She wore succulents in her hair. As she walked down the aisle with her fiancé, her brother played a Nora Jones song on the guitar while his girlfriend sang along. After the song, the brides brothers grabbed their drums and sang a tribal song. It was a song everyone could feel in their soul. The officiator had them say their vows. They shared the bowl of water and graciously accepted the hand made quilt from their parents. As they mixed old tradition with the new, they later cut a wedding cake, paired with a bouquet toss and a bubble exit!

