Beachy Large Family Photo Session at Antelope Island

Planning an Antelope Island shoot? Here are a few tips for your next shoot

  1. Early early spring or late fall are the best times to avoid the CRAZY bugs. They have these things called “no-see-ums” and they swarm you and BITE. They are tiny, small and freaking gnats. They supposedly die off after 3-4 consecutive days of 90 degree weather. So I would plan late July-October here. They are immune to bug repellent so in my honest opinion-it’s not worth it to go when they are out. Next time you go plan to be there between March-early April, or July-October.

  2. Don’t just aim for the typical spot you find online to have your pictures. Drive around, look and find something that speaks to you. There is tons of beautiful landscape all around and the light is superb on this island.

  3. Plan a car wash trip afterward. The midges on the causeway come in tidal waves and your car will be littered with these little bugs.

  4. Antelope Island is a Utah State Park, you have to pay to get in.

Hopefully these tips were something you needed to hear! Enjoy your next trip and be smart when it comes to getting too close to the wildlife.

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